You Heal You II, PLLC
Comprehensive Wellness Consultations
New Patient
During your New Patient Wellness Consultation, Jennie will cover an in-depth review of your past medical history, current health concerns, and future wellness goals. Laboratory testing can be ordered, and previous test results can be reviewed if brought to the appointment. This consultation can be conducted in person, by phone, or via a telemedicine platform.
Cost: $375
A Follow-Up Wellness Consultation is recommended 2-3 weeks after your initial appointment. During this visit, Jennie will conduct a detailed review of all testing that was ordered. We will formulate a customized plan to address any hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and toxic burdens. You will receive a copy of all test results and a copy of your wellness protocol. This consultation can be conducted in person, by phone, or via a telemedicine platform.
Cost: $185
A 15-minute Check-In Phone Call is designed for patients who have an established wellness plan in place. This appointment can be utilized to review questions regarding your protocol or test results and to modify your wellness plan as needed.
Cost: $100

Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy utilizes an oxygen/ozone gas mixture that is injected into joints,
ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues to generate healing. Ozone, which is very activated oxygen, has been found to stimulate cell repair signaling. Oxygen is the most important nutrient for all cell functions. Damaged and injured tissues have often lost their “normal” blood supply, which in turn decreases oxygen supply and prevents healing.
We recommend that you schedule a series of weekly Ozone injections for 3-4 consecutive weeks to achieve the optimal benefits from this therapy. This procedure is conducted in person.